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Tutor in Bergen County, New Jersey

Business Listings Bergen County, New Jersey


Organizational skills, Tutoring to Empower Learners
Better Organizational Skills = Better Grades
I provide tutoring for children of all ages and learning styles to become independent and efficient learners.
Depending on needs and study goals, I provide the following skills:
Backpack and binder organization and set-up
Study space planning
School time management tips and organizational habits to better manage time and responsibilities.
Active reading strategies, including reading comprehension strategies, to read better in every class.
Active listening strategies and presentation skills to communicate clearly.
Effective note taking strategies and how to use study tools, such as flash cards and color coding, to study efficiently and improve test scores.
Test taking strategies to take tests and quizzes with confidence, tackle different types of tests and manage testing anxiety.
How to research effectively, such as learning how to research a topic, evaluate sources and write a bibliography.
How to write effectively, such as mastering all the steps of the writing process.

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Views 70
Listing id 273753
Post date September 27, 2021 5:10 PM
Phone Number 201-783-5827
Result 0 votes
Michelle Clancy
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